EMA Waterproof Easy First Aid Kit


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Описание продукта

EMA Waterproof Easy First Aid Kit is multi-use first aid kit designed to treat wounds until professional help is available.  The emergency cares package, and wound bandages are necessary for any small craft for weekend adventurer.

This 13 items kit contain a large assortment of items to handle the unexpected emergencies which include:
- East Marine Water Resistant First Aid Bag
- Alcohol Pad
- Antiseptic Cream
- Burn Relieve Cream
- Cotton Buds
- Ear & Eye Drops
- Elastic Cohesive Bandage
- Gauze Pad Absorbents
- Ibuprofen
- Micropore
- Motion Sickness Relief Dimenhydrinate Tablets
- Paracetamol
- Self-adhesive With Absorbent Pad
- Waterproof Bandage

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