EMA Water Resistant Premium First Aid Kit

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Описание продукта

EMA Water Resistant Premium First Aid Kit is an expanded kit designed to treat more serious wounds until professional help is available.  The Marine Medicine guidebook, comprehensive cares package, and serious wound bandages are necessary when away from home for extended periods.

This 32 items kit contain a large assortment of items to handle the unexpected emergencies which include:
- East Marine Water Resistant Premium First Aid Bag
- After Sun Cream
- Alcohol Pads
- Antibaterial Wet Wipe
- Antiseptic Cream
- Burn Relieve Cream
- Cotton Buds
- Counterpains
- Disposable Syringes
- Ear & Eye Drops
- Earloop Mask
- Elastic Bandage
- Elastic Cohesive Bandage
- Fever Reliever Pad
- Gauze Pad Absorbents
- Gaviscon Heartburn & Indigestion Tablets
- Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
- Ibuprofen
- Instant Hand Sanitiser
- Marine Medicine 2nd Edition
- Medicine Cup
- Micropore
- Motion Sickness Relief Dimenhydrinate Tablets
- Paracetamol
- Saline Solution
- Self-adhesive With Absorbent Pad
- Single Cotton Sheets
- Stainless Steel Scissor
- Strepsils Chesty Cough Lozenges
- Tissue Forceps
- Vicks Vaporub Camphor Menthol Eucalyptus Oil
- Waterproof Bandage
- Waterproof Digital Thermometer

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