Добро пожаловать Товары для яхт в Таиланде / Лангкави, оборудование и снаряжение для парусного спорта. Крупнейший дистрибьютор в Азии. East Marine!
To pre-order this product call us +66 (0) 76 239 113 or contact below:
EMA Man Overboard Rescue Sling is a simple but effective water retrieval device for vessel or water side facility. Consists of a flexible foam lifebelt with vinyl cover and a 40 metres of 8 mm recovery line, contained in a wall or rail mount PVC storage pouch. Quick reference instructions are clearly displayed on the pouch. Meets AYF requirements. Dimension is H 470 x W x 300 x T 150 mm.
Emergency Ladders
Radar Reflectors
Первая помощь и медицинские товары
Fire & Smoke Detectors
Fire Blanket
Emergency Signaling
Шлейки и Тросы